
I am author and editor of creative works, including Drain (TriQuarterly/Northwestern), BLANK: A Novel, [SIC], and INK. (Jaded Ibis). My creative work has appeared in numerous publications including Fiction International, The Chicago Tribune, The Iowa Review, TriQuarterly, and Exquisite Corpse. I had the great honor of editing Raymond Federman's final novel, SHHH, for English publication.

"Drain is the Clockwork Orange of our age, and anyone who cares about what we are becoming should read this book lest it become prophetic."

--Steve Tomasula

"I could not put it down until I had read it from cover to cover. And now it is burned in my memory. I feel certain it is a book I will read again and again."

--H. L. Hix

"This book is all about breaking down the boundaries that we've inherited from the ruins of the 20th century."

--Paul D. Miller aka dj spooky

"Is this a riff on a Pollock drip painting? Is this a Rorschach test in ink splatters, rather than blots? A satire? .... This concept novel aggressively resists review and conventional classification."

--Heavy Feather Review

SHHH, edited and with an introduction by Davis Schneiderman, tells the incredible story of Raymond Federman’s escape from the round-up of French Jews in Paris in 1942, during the Holocaust.

Creative Works

I am author and editor of many books, including the novels Drain (TriQuarterly/Northwestern), Abecedarium (Chiasmus), BLANK: A Novel, [SIC], and INK. (Jaded Ibis). My creative work has appeared in numerous publications including Fiction International, The Chicago Tribune, The Iowa Review, TriQuarterly, and Exquisite Corpse,

"Drain is the Clockwork Orange of our age, and anyone who cares about what we are becoming should read this book lest it become prophetic."

--Steve Tomasula

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